01-4520912/ 01-4542775/ 01-4528321
Maitidevi, Kathmandu

Call for Research Articles

Dear Colleagues,

Universal College is pleased to invite submissions for the up-coming issue of our journal “The Harvest”, a peer-reviewed annual journal dedicated to publishing high quality research in any field. We welcome original research articles, reviews and case studies that contribute to the respective readers.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: Dec 15, 2024
  • Expected Publication: 15 Jan 2025

Please submit your articles in English via our email: info@uc.edu.np.

If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please contact Mr. Sibahari Mainali at 9851352459.

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions.


Sibahari Mainali

Editor in Chief

Universal College Maitidevi, Kathmandu


What our Students say

At UNIVERSAL College, we are committed to the pursuit of excellence and the provision of an educational service that is progressive and future-focused but importantly Christ-centred, values-based and aligned with our students’ needs. As the Principal, my primary concern will be about th standard of the colleges and welfae of the students. We always operate from the pradigm that there is greatnes in every home.