01-4520912/ 01-4542775/ 01-4528321
Maitidevi, Kathmandu

Submission of Consent Letter

Notice to Part-time Faculty

All the part-time faculty of UNIVERSAL College are hereby informed that as per TU rules, those who are permanent faculty of TU and teaching at UNIVERSAL College as part-time faculty, are suggested to submit Consent Letter (renewed/new) from TU by Friday, 28 Magh 2078. The college will not include them in the routine if the consent letter is not submitted.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Respective Director is directed to act accordingly.

Thank you very much for your co-operation.

Date: 2078/10/17                                                                                      Principal

Submission of Consent Letter


What our Students say

At UNIVERSAL College, we are committed to the pursuit of excellence and the provision of an educational service that is progressive and future-focused but importantly Christ-centred, values-based and aligned with our students’ needs. As the Principal, my primary concern will be about th standard of the colleges and welfae of the students. We always operate from the pradigm that there is greatnes in every home.